Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

In compliance with Spanish Law 15/1999 of December 13th on Personal Data Protection (hereinafter LOPD), the Council of Sobrado informs the user that any personal data provided through forms available on our website, as well as any data provided as a consequence of the navigation of the site, will be added to our personal data files. Users may exercise their right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in accordance with the terms of section 3º. When users provide personal data they authorise and give their consent to the Council of Sobrado for including in our files those personal data.

When users are required to fill a form and send it, in doing so they accept having been informed (as specified in article 4 LOPD) and hence having given their consent (as specified in article 6 LOPD) in accordance with this privacy policy. Users must fill in the forms with truthful, accurate and updated data, being informed when doing so of the compulsory fields and the consequences of failing to fill in the forms correctly. Likewise, when accepting the terms, users acknowledge that the information and data provided are accurate and truthful.

We urge you to notify the Council of Sobrado inmediately of any modification in your personal data, in order to keep the information gathered in the municipal archives updated at all times.

The Council of Sobrado informs you that all necesary technical and organisational security measures have been implemented in order to avoid as far as possible the alteration, loss or unauthorised access of your personal data, taking into account the nature of the data gathered and the risks to which these are exposed. All of the above, in compliance with article 9 of LOPD and the Royal Decree 994/1999 of June 11th that approves the Regulation on Security Measures for Automated Files containing Personal Data (RMS). The Council of Sobrado has established further measures to reinforce the confidentiality and integrity of the information provided, such as the establishment of limitations on the use of e-mail to send data or documents of a confidential nature. Neverthless, users must be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable.

The Council of Sobrado maintains constant supervision, control and evaluation of the processes to ensure that data privacy is observed. Those individuals that provide their data may contact this administration, in its capacity as responsable for the file, in order to exercise their right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition as for the data provided and collected in our files, compliance with current regulations. As the information is of a confidential nature, you will not be able to exercise your rights by telephone, since it is not possible to certify your identify as owner of the registered data. The exercise of these rights must be in writing, signed by the person interested, addressing the Rexistro Xeral do Concello de Sobrado, located in Praza Portal 1, 15813 Sobrado (A Coruña), including the following reference in your letter: "LOPD Exercicio de dereitos". Along with the written and signed application, you must certify your identity by enclosing a copy of your ID card.

Use of cookies

"Cookies" are a tool used by Web servers to store and retrieve information collected by its users. It is not more than a next file which some servers ask the browser to write to your hard drive, with information provision of the actions carried out by the page. They have an expiration date, which can range from the time that lasts the samen session a future date specified, from which cease to be operational.

The Council of Sobrado uses "cookies" to personalize the services offered to users and to allow the identification of registered users. They cannot read data off your hard drive or include viruses in their texts. Also, the Council of Sobrado cannot read the "cookies" implanted in the user´s hard drive from other servers.

In this sense, users can configure their browsers to accept or reject by default all the "cookies" or to receive a notice on screen of the reception of each "cookie" and decide in that moment wheter to implement it or not on their hard drives. To do so, we suggest reading the help section of your browser to learn how to change its current configuration. Even if the users set their browsers to reject all "cookies" or expressly reject the "cookies" of the Council of Sobrado website, they will be able to browse the site but without enjoying the features that require the installation of any of them.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States ("Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies, which are pieces of data downloaded to the user´s computer to allow a website to analyse how visitors use it. The information retrieved by the cookie (including the user´s IP adress) will be directly transferred to Google and stored on its servers in the United States.

Google will process this information and give it to us so that we can trace how the website is used, collecting reports on the activity of the site. Google may share such information on behalf of Google. Google´s privacy policy can be found at

Changes in the privacy policy

The Council of Sobrado reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy, in accordance with its own criteria, or to reflect any change dictated by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, or any legislative or other legal development. Any modification of the Privacy Policy will be published at least ten days prior to its effective implementation. By using the website after such changes will mean your acceptance of these.



Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para mejorar nuestros servicios, elaborar información estadística y analizar sus hábitos de navegación. Esto nos permite personalizar el contenido que ofrecemos y mostrarle publicidad relacionada con sus preferencias. Al clicar en 'SÍ, ACEPTO' ACEPTA SU USO. También puede deshabilitar las cookies, haciendo click en 'NO, DESACTIVAR'. Para más información acerca del sitio web, haga click en 'MÁS INFORMACIÓN'.
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